Voting in my first election was just the first step toward making an impact [Voices of Democracy series]
It does not take a title to be an active citizen and step up to one’s civic duty. Sharing your voice and finding your passion is fundamental to contributing to important causes that affect your larger community.
Friendship is the key to expanding youth civic engagement [Voices of Democracy series]
Educating myself on current events in politics has allowed me to talk to new people and help deepen relationships with friends I previously had.
The Civics Center affirms calls for every vote to be counted
Imagine you just turned 18 or 19, and this was your first election. Your school’s voter registration events were canceled because of Covid, and there were no summer concerts at which to register.
New Voter Registrations Have Plummeted Due to COVID-19
Voter registration rates in April and May of 2020 have plummeted in relation to the rates in the same months in 2016. Declines in voter registration rates have been as significant as 75% in some states.