
We couldn’t do it without our partners!

We work with individuals and organizations to:

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Provide data, training
and materials
youth voter registration

Collaborate on “huddles
or events
for students and educator groups

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Amplify messages and support policy and advocacy efforts around youth voter registration

If you’re interested in working with us to increase high school youth voter registration and participation, we’d love to hear from you.

Fill out the form and let us know what you have in mind.

Hey Coalition Members!

We hope you will help us make this year’s Cap, Gown, and Ballot Season a success. 4 million High School Seniors are about to graduate, so it’s the best time to help them get ready to make their voices and votes count.

Learn more and help spread the word with our
Cap, Gown and Ballot Toolkit!

Join The Ready to Vote Coalition

The Civics Center created the Ready to Vote Coalition — a network of national, statewide, and local organizations — to ensure that young people are ready to vote in their first election. Coalition members will seek to support student-led voter registration drives in high schools around the country.