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Join The Civics Center with a tax-deductible donation to help power our work and lay the foundation for strong youth turnout in 2026 and beyond.

Student sharing information on youth voting with her peers during a voter registration drive

Did You Know?

16 million people will have become old enough to vote between 2020 and 2024.

In key states, fewer than 30% of 18-year-olds are registered to vote (according to our research).

40% of high school students do not go on to college.

70% of US teens live in states where they can preregister to vote at 16 or 17. The rest can do it closer to 18 … but still during their senior year of high school!

86% of registered youth turned out to vote in 2020. When they’re registered, they vote.

The number of youth becoming eligible to vote before November 2026 far surpasses margins of victory in close elections.

Lay the

Lift the voices of our youth by helping high school students get registered to vote - we need your help!

Your donations make a huge difference to our ability to build momentum across America. Please support us today and spread the word.

White dots over blue background

These funding levels represent estimated costs of providing our programming to each category of recipients.

$2,500: Adopt a school district: Support for voter registration in one school district

$1,000: Train ten students or educators in how to run a voter registration drive in their school

$500: Adopt a school: Support for voter registration in one school

$250: Recruit and train an educator to support student drives

$100: Send “Democracy In A Box” drive and promotion materials to one student organizer

$50: Send swag to one student leader