The Civics Center affirms calls for every vote to be counted

The Civics Center Director Laura W. Brill issued the following statement today in response to the ongoing counting in the November 3 election:

Imagine you just turned 18 or 19, and this was your first election. Your school’s voter registration events were canceled because of Covid, and there were no summer concerts at which to register. You nonetheless got registered, researched the candidates and issues, talked to your friends and family, and made sure to get your ballot in early so that the election would be as safe as possible.

Your vote counts.  

This election is close. We do not know the results yet. We know that young people have turned out in historic numbers. Millions of them voted early. Their votes count. Every vote counts.

We all learn at an early age that sometimes you have to be patient. It is normal for vote counting to go on for some time after Election Day in a close election. Students can look up their state’s law to see this for themselves.

We may not always agree on everything, but one thing our country stands for is that everyone has a right to be heard.

Laura W. Brill

Founder and Executive Director of The Civics Center


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