Pop Quiz Number 2: High School Voter Registration 101

I know most high schools don’t teach how and when to register to vote. 

That is no excuse. You still have to take the quiz.  

When you’re done, calculate your score using the answers below.  

If you didn’t get 100%, don’t blame yourself. Like I said, most schools don’t teach this stuff. 

But here is the good news. You can be the teacher. Just email or post the quiz so others can see the opportunities that no one else is talking about. And if you’re tired of folks saying young people can’t make a difference, use this quiz to PROVE THEM WRONG.

1. In the 2016 general election, the turnout rate among registered voters ages 18-24 was: 

(a) Under 50%
(b) 50% - 75%
(c) Over 75%

2. In how many states can U.S. citizens who will turn 18 by November 2020 register to vote TODAY?

(a) Under 20
(b) 20 - 30
(c) Over 30

3. If 77% of the 12th graders in your high school vote in November 2020, how many new voters will that be? 


4. Does your high school have a plan to get every eligible student registered to vote before graduation?

(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Don’t know

5. EXTRA CREDIT:  The Civics Center provides free online workshops for students and teachers to learn how to organize a nonpartisan high school voter registration drive. We hold these sessions via Zoom most Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 4:30 pm Pacific/7:30 Eastern. Which workshop session is most convenient for you? 

Go to thecivicscenter.org/home/#workshop to get started.

Email info@thecivicscenter.org for additional days and times.

Check out last month’s pop quiz.

Answer Key 

  1. (c) You can do the math by pulling up Table 4c from this Census Bureau web page.  Find the cell that provides the total number of citizens age 18-24 who voted (hint, it’s 11,560,000) and divide that by the total number of citizens age 18-24 who were registered (hint, it’s 14,905,000).  Who says math and civics don’t mix?

  2. (c) See “Our beautiful yellow map.”

  3. Use online research tools or ask your school administrator for the number of seniors. Then multiply by 0.77 for the answer.

  4. Ask your school administration.

  5. Thanks for signing up. We can’t wait to see you!

Laura W. Brill

Founder and Executive Director of The Civics Center


Don’t Blame Gen-Z. It’s the Registration Gap.


Introducing the 1,000 Schools Challenge and Ready to Vote Coalition